interior design

Simple Habits: Living in a Clean and Healthy Home

People who are looking to start a healthy lifestyle should first focus on creating a clean home. Living in a clean space isn’t just good for your mental or physical health but also for your entire well-being. It gives you more energy to do your chores, be creative with your hobbies, and protect you from certain health issues such as anxiety and stress.

Generally, our home is where we spend most of our days, so it only makes sense how much it can impact our well-being. And with some simple habits, you can take control of your home and make it a safer and healthier environment for you. Check these out.

Make the bed every morning

Making your bed is a strong morning ritual that provides tons of excellent benefits not just on your home but on your health as well. Apart from making the room look cleaner, making your bed can potentially give you a feeling of accomplishment, better sleep, relaxation, a sense of calm, as well as improved organization and focus. This simple habit is also about setting an intention to carry out little things resulting in a balanced, orderly, and responsible life.

Put things away after using them

If you’re not a fan of big weekend cleaning sessions, picking things up as you go is a habit you should start to practice. This might seem like a simple task, but it’s absolutely hard to get used to. To make it work for you, it’s best to have a space for everything first. Throw dirty clothes in the hamper, take your laptop, tablet, or phone on your desk when not in use, hang the coats at your entryway’s hooks, and put tools back in the garage or junk drawer once done.

Wash the dishes every day

Getting into the habit of cleaning all the dishes every day is a small task that can hugely contribute to maintaining the cleanliness of your home. Also, waking up with clean dishes will make your space neat and help you have a better mood in the morning. You can turn this habit into a more meaningful task by repeating your positive mantra or listening to calming music as you engage in the habit.


Clean those windows

Dirty windows aren’t only bad for your home’s look but also for your health. Dirt particles can build up on the sills and give bad air quality into your space. By cleaning your windows regularly, you can have cleaner indoor air and better heating efficiency, too. The most important rule is to wipe them at least every week. But if you have windows requiring special treatment, such as stained glass or tinted types, it’s best to get a professional window washing service. Using regular cleaning materials could damage these windows and leave you with a huge repair or replacement bill.

Do laundry on a daily basis

Deciding on doing your laundry may depend on how many loads you got each day or week. But for most individuals, putting at least one load of laundry every morning is ideal. This will make the task easier for you, instead of tackling huge loads during weekends. If you constantly leave home for work, you can put your machine on delay, so it’ll be ready for drying once you arrive. Don’t forget to allot at least five to 10 minutes to complete the load and put it away.

Declutter constantly

We love buying and collecting stuff, and sometimes we tend to bring in more than we need into our homes. This can lead to a lot of disorganization and clutter in your space, which is both not good for the environment and your well-being. Decluttering regularly is a powerful habit that can help you live in a clean and healthy home. When tidying up, ask yourself these three things: Do you need it? Do you use it? Do you love it?

All unwanted items can go directly into the trash, or if they’re still usable, you can recycle or donate them. If you’re planning to give things away, check local shelters in your area or thrift stores such as Deseret Industries and Goodwill that accept a huge variety of donations.

Stress-free and healthy living can be easier to achieve by creating a clean, healthy home environment. You need a personal space that can influence the way you act, feel, and think positively. A cluttered space can’t make that possible. You deserve a happy life, and keeping a healthy home can help you get started.

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