dentist showing an implant

Dental implants give you a great smile!

If you have missing teeth, you may be feeling anxious about the appearance of having gaps in your smile. As many people may lose their teeth due to dental hygiene issues, certain medications or particular medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, they may also be feeling as though there is nothing that can be done to replace them. The obvious solution, wearing dentures, can spark memories of their grannies and grandads with their dentures slipping from their gums as they were speaking. Simply put, a lot of patients may not relish the thought of wearing loose fitting dentures that may prevent them from enjoying all of the foods they want to eat. Thankfully, there is another way and a dental Coorparoo visit could introduce you to dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Implants are titanium screws that are attached to the jawbone. They fuse with the surrounding tissues of the gums and titanium is particularly good for this purpose. The screws are used as artificial roots for your replacement teeth and an abutment attaches crowns, bridges or dentures to them, depending on how many teeth need replacing. This means that you can have a single tooth, multiple teeth or a whole set of teeth replaced.

dental implantWhat are the advantages of dental implants?

There are a number of benefits to choosing dental implants that make a trip to a dentist in Coorparoo worthwhile. The first plus point is that dental implants allow replacement teeth to be fitted securely, because the screws to which they are attached are firmly fixed to the jaw bone. This means that they act like natural teeth and patients can eat a normal diet without having to modify their eating choices.

Another benefit is the fact that the aesthetic results of implants are that they look like natural teeth and nobody would know that they weren’t your natural ones. They are also easy to look after with regular brushing and flossing – just like with natural teeth. The other benefit is that replacement teeth won’t get cavities either! If you look after your implants, they could even last a lifetime.

For patients who are concerned that their face has developed a shrunken appearance due to missing teeth, having implants fitted will restore the structure in your face and can even make you look younger! By replacing the teeth you are missing, you also protect your remaining healthy, natural teeth from developing issues by being more exposed. This also applies to your gums which, if left exposed, could also develop problems and nobody wants that!

Are dental implants easy to have fitted?

While this is still a form of surgery, you don’t have to have general anaesthetic to have them fitted. A dentist will need to have a consultation with you and may need to take X-rays before recommending treatment to ensure that you have enough bone density in your jaw to attach the titanium screws to. If there isn’t enough bone, it may be possible to have a bone graft and your dentist will be able to advise you of the best treatment plan for your needs.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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