Parents planning daughter's funeral

Familiarizing Yourself with Funeral Arrangements

These days, several functions must be done to keep a mortuary functional. These include overseeing embalming procedures, counseling grieving clients, and more. Typically, the success of daily operations depends on the funeral director, but he or she also has a team to help. If you have clients requesting funeral arrangements, you have to familiarize yourself with the process.

Preparing the Body

In Clearfield, cemeteries have funeral directors who manage mortuaries and their arrangements. They pick up the deceased after a client calls. The body is then transported to the morgue where it will be embalmed or cremated. It depends on the options chosen by the family or the deceased.

Doing Paperwork

The family and the funeral director also need to coordinate with each other in preparing death certificates and other necessary paperwork. These then are submitted to the proper authorities for insurance and processing of benefits. Doing so necessitates the help of insurance agents or those from Social Security or The Veterans Administration. According to Reader’s Digest, discharged veterans can get special treatment for funeral arrangements.

Options for Embalming

Embalming refers to preserving human remains with chemicals that delay decomposition. One can consider this a given when it comes to the funeral process, but there are laws surrounding embalming that clients and mortuaries must discuss together. For instance, The Federal Trade Commission dictates that while law doesn’t require embalming, it is still necessary for specific funeral arrangements. Clients can opt out of embalming and thereby choose a different method, such as immediate burial or direct cremation.


Family at a burial ceremony

This is a common choice among clients. When opting for burial, it entails preparations like securing a casket and having a public viewing. One good thing about interment is that it can compel friends and family members to come together for the funeral, which is something that’s not always easily achieved. In case those expected to go cannot afford to do so due to work or prior commitments, cremation might be preferred.


This involves putting a body in a chamber that burns it to ashes. It is another option for families or the deceased who aren’t keen on interments. Choosing this route necessitates getting an urn to contain the ashes. The container will be entombed in a smaller space. One advantage of cremation is that it does not require family members or friends to reunite immediately since there is no risk of a body decomposing.

In the end, funeral arrangements are something that families should learn about. After all, it’s a process that involves multiple aspects, such as embalming, securing paperwork, and more. By familiarizing yourself with funeral arrangements, you will not have to worry about your future demise. Although you cannot escape death, you can do many things to prepare yourself as well as lessen its consequences. If you feel unsure, you can always consult your family and friends. Moreover, do not hesitate to seek the help of experts or professionals. Doing so might be expensive. However, it will be very beneficial in the long run.

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