student holding books

Foreign Students in Singapore: Dealing with Homesickness

Singaporean students are some of the best in the entire world. Year after year, the young people of this small Southeast Asian nation have topped every test and contest to prove that they are globally-competitive. They can go toe-to-toe with their counterparts from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations around the world.

This led to an influx of foreign students who are interested in pursuing education in Singapore. Parents are sending their children to the city-state to receive high-quality education and be exposed to diverse cultures.

In fact, as of 2018, there were about 65,000 students hailing from all over the world, studying in Singapore. More will likely, as Singaporean students find success on the international stage.

Being away from family can make one feel homesick, even in such an amazing country. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do in Singapore that can combat feelings of distress from being away.

Find Little Reminders of Home

Singapore is a developed country, so it would not be difficult to find food and other products that may remind you of home. There are malls across the country that carry international brands

The Changi Airport, part-aviation hub and part-lifestyle mall, is filled with thousands of stores from all over the world. In Changi, shopping is a must. It is where you can find brands and restaurants from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and a lot of other countries. Because countless travellers, coming from and heading in every direction, it caters to all kinds of people, not just Singaporeans. You definitely will find something that, albeit briefly, will make you feel like you are back home.

There is nothing wrong with feeling a little sad when you are in a foreign country, especially around the holidays. Allow yourself to miss your family and friends back home. When you are ready, stand back up and live your life.

Make New Friends

The best way to combat homesickness is to find people who would be willing to show you around. A friend will make your days less lonely and, although you still would miss people back home, you would be enjoying your time better in the company of good people.

Singapore is quite friendly to foreigners. The city-state sees a lot of people from all over the world come by for studies, for business, or for leisure.

With that said, you also likely would encounter tourists or fellow international students from your own country. Do not be afraid to explore and be open to strangers who may want to be your friend.

student exiting a building

Remind Yourself Why You are There

Being away from home can feel intimidating and lonely, but you are there for a reason. You are getting one of the best quality education that will one day help you secure a job in your dream company. You also get to be exposed to different cultures and traditions which will help you become a better person.

Focusing on your vision and your goal will fuel your motivation and drive you to do better at school.

Get to Know Your New Home

Feeling like an outsider will make you miss home so much more. Instead of wallowing at home all weekend, take it as an opportunity to explore and get to know the country. There are plenty of sights to see, food to eat, and experiences to try in Singapore.

You can get on the train or a bus and let it take you somewhere you have never been to before. You can rent a car and drive to places where tourists do not typically venture. Do not worry; Singapore is one of the safest countries in Asia and the world.

Feeling homesick is natural when you are in an unfamiliar place where you know no one. However, you can move past it, work hard, and achieve your dreams even when you are far from home.

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