couple having an argument

Getting Through Divorce: What Processes to Take Seriously

  • Splitting assets, such as real estate and investments, is essential in divorce.
  • Personal property must also be considered when dividing assets during a divorce.
  • Debts must be addressed when splitting assets, and determining responsibility is critical.
  • Child custody arrangements should also be discussed and possibly mediated for best results.
  • High-net-worth individuals should consider specialized attorneys to ensure a fair process.

Divorce is one of the most heartbreaking and complicated experiences that anyone can go through in life. It can be a complex process for both parties involved, as they must go through the emotional strain of separating from their partner while navigating the legal hurdles of dissolving a marriage.

The statistics on divorce are sobering: according to research, 41% of first marriages end in divorce. Divorce rates are even higher for second marriages (60%) and third marriages (73%). These numbers demonstrate how difficult it can be to maintain a successful marriage over the years.

The financial implications of divorce are also immense. The average cost of a divorce is estimated to be around $15,000, with additional expenses like court and attorney’s fees potentially increasing this sum significantly. Not only do couples have to pay these costs upfront, but they may also face financial repercussions later on when it comes to taxes and dividing up assets after the fact.

There is no denying that divorce can be emotionally fueled, making splitting up even more challenging. During difficult times like this, it is essential to stay focused on the practical matters at hand and take the necessary steps to protect yourself, starting with these:

Splitting Assets

Dividing valuable assets in divorce

Splitting assets is one of the most essential steps in getting through a divorce, as it can significantly impact both parties involved. In most cases, assets are split by the state’s laws. Understanding what marital property may be subject to division and what is not. Below are a few assets that divorced people should consider when splitting assets:

Real Estate

Real estate, such as homes or vacation properties, may be some of the most significant assets to consider when splitting during a divorce. In some cases, one of the spouses may be able to keep the house if they can afford to pay off any associated mortgages or other debts. If not, then couples must decide how to divide up any equity built up over time and determine who will receive which pieces of real estate in the agreement.


Investment accounts and stocks must also be considered when dividing up assets during a divorce. This includes any 401(k)s or retirement plans that either spouse may have contributed to while married. Depending on each spouse’s financial situation after the divorce, it might be necessary for one party to pay out a portion of their retirement plan to their former partner to achieve an equitable split.

Personal Property

Personal property includes furniture, jewelry, artwork, and other possessions acquired throughout life or during marriage. Each spouse should list all items considered marital property and decide how they will be divided. In many cases, couples can agree on how these items will be distributed without involving courts or attorneys.


Finally, debts must also be addressed when splitting assets during a divorce. This applies not only to credit card debt but also to loans taken out from banks and other institutions throughout life or even during marriage. The court will typically assign responsibility for certain debts depending on which party holds more financial burden to ensure fairness between both parties involved in the divorce proceedings.

Child Custody Arrangements

Fighting over child custody

Child custody is another issue that divorcing couples must consider. In most cases, the court will decide what is best for the child’s welfare and assign custodial rights accordingly.

In addition to determining who has physical custody of a child, parents must also agree on how much time each parent will spend with their children and if any special visitation rules apply. It is important to note that some states have specific laws regarding child custody arrangements, so it is wise to consult an attorney in your state before making any decisions.

Of course, there is a chance that both sides do not agree on the child custody arrangements. In this case, they may have to appear before a judge and present their arguments in court. The child will likely also be asked to testify or provide their opinion.

Divorce Mediation

Sometimes, couples may want to try working out an agreement through divorce mediation before going to court. In this process, a third-party mediator will help them develop a mutually beneficial solution that meets their interests and needs. Divorce mediation is usually much less expensive than a traditional courtroom trial and can often result in quicker resolutions for all involved.

The service becomes even more essential for high-income earners. It is known that some people marry for money, and going through a divorce might make a person lose all their hard-earned assets. Fortunately, many divorce lawyers catering to high-net-worth individuals understand complex financial arrangements and can help to ensure that the process is fair and equitable for both parties.

Final Thoughts

Divorce is a complex process that can seriously affect both parties involved. It is essential to know the legal procedures and options available during this time to protect yourself and make informed decisions throughout your divorce. Getting through a divorce can be more manageable with the proper guidance.

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