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Improve your smile to achieve the look you desire

Why should you visit a dentist?

There are many reasons that may prompt you to visit a dentist. Your dentist can advise and guide you on taking care of and maintaining good dental health. If you’re going to keep enjoying your favourite food and be confident of your overall appearance, then you must pay attention to your dental health. Your dental health will play a massive role in your overall health and wellbeing. Good dental health means that you won’t need to be reluctant to smile when you want to.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers Wagga are a simple treatment option that will help improve your smile. They are thin coverings that can be placed over the visible part of a tooth, and in appearance, they would look like natural teeth.

Why are they recommended?

Veneers are recommended for teeth that can’t be whitened by bleaching or are chipped, crooked or misshapen. They are also a great option for when there are odd gaps in between the upper and front teeth.

What are they made of?

Veneers are made of either porcelain or resin. Your dentist will help you with the most suitable material for you as each type has unique benefits.

What are the benefits of the porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made fixtures that can be fitted on the tooth. The benefits of these include durability, strength, a natural look and the fact that they are mostly stain resistant.

How are porcelain veneers placed?

Your dentist will remove a portion of your enamel from the front or sides of your tooth at the beginning of the process; this will allow room for the veneers to be fitted. Next, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and decide on the shade that suits your teeth. The impression will be given to a dental lab where they will make a customised fixture for you; this might take some time. You might be offered temporary fixtures to wear until your custom ones arrive. Finally, your dentist will place the custom-made fixture on your teeth and adjust it if needed.

What are the benefits of composite resin veneers?

This type is made from a tooth-coloured filling, and they are easy to fix if they are damaged.

How are the composite resin veneers placed?

After your teeth are reshaped, as with the porcelain ones, your dentist will bond the composite material with a colour that suits you well; a special light will be used during this procedure. Next, they are smoothed and polished to give them a natural look.

What are some considerations that need to be made before opting for this treatment?

teeth model with a calendar under it

Your gums and teeth need to be healthy if you want to go ahead with this treatment, and any dental diseases that you have must be treated so that they do not interfere with the treatment.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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