woman on her phone

Organizing Your Mobile Content for Better Mental Health

Mobile phones are giving dogs a run for their money on who is truly man’s best friend. People, nowadays, don’t go anywhere without their phones. They even bring it to the restroom when they experience the call of nature or to the kitchen where they should be paying attention to what they’re cooking. This attachment can’t be helped as the phone has become a gateway to the broader world of information and connection. With a click of a button, you can buy that strawberry themed dress you’re eyeing or look for private alcohol detox clinics for your recovering friend.

There’s no doubt about how much people’s lives have changed with the popularity of smartphones. Unfortunately, too much of something is harmful, especially in the case of the modern man’s best friend. Many have shared that they experience headaches, decreased focus and attention span, sleeping disorders, and increased risk of depression and anxiety when they spend a lot of time on mobile. The adverse effects are more staggering with young children and teenagers as these age groups are still impressionable and vulnerable to outside influences.

Removing distractions and clutter

To lessen the bad influences of smartphones, people must learn to use the delete button as much as they can. Most users have the habit of downloading many applications (apps) when they’re bored or curious about the latest trend. Then, these apps are rarely opened after the hype has died down and ended up as a distraction and space waster in one’s phone. The accumulated digital clutter has the same effect as the clutter in one’s physical environment.

Personal information, in the form of contacts, photos, and text messages, also fill up a person’s smartphone. The hundreds of stored data can be overwhelming, especially when one is forced to delete files to free up memory. It’s better to remove these types of digital clutter when a person no longer needs it. You don’t need five pictures of the same pose stored on your phone.

woman alone at home

Digital clutter also relates to the time given in mindlessly scrolling through social media, watching YouTube videos, and reading multiple articles online. Human brains can’t absorb all of this information and come out intact after the experience; the never-ending stream can trigger feelings of anxiety, pre-occupation, and impatience. Selective media consumption is needed, as recommended by Forbes.

Importance of prioritizing

The convenience of mobile phones has made everything move at a fast pace. While this is helpful when getting deliveries and searching for information, the increased speed is also expected when it comes to replying or reacting to events and messages. A person can be overwhelmed with the amount of data he is receiving at the same time, which is harmful to one’s mental health. That is where the significance of scheduling, prioritizing, and pacing comes in when people use their mobile phones. No tech breaks can help in de-stressing the mind and can give time in processing what’s happening in the world.

Mobile phones are both a blessing and a curse in today’s modern world. It is up to the person if he will let this technological marvel control his life and deteriorate his mental health. Organizing one’s mobile content can help in giving back the reins.

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