A street of family houses in suburban area

4 Ways to Increase Your Home’s Value

So you’re thinking of selling your house. Let me begin by saying that selling a property is very different from buying one. When we buy a home, we usually lean on our emotions and personal taste to make a decision. But selling a home requires you to tap into your marketing acumen and drive for profit. Your primary goal is to derive the most profit from the sale.

Many home sellers rely on estate agents to deal with the nitty-gritty of real estate. But there are a few things you can do to speed things up. With a little bit of preparation, you can pave the way for a deal that satisfies all the parties involved.

1. Prepare your garden

One of the first things that people notice about your home is the front yard and backyard landscaping. If you already take good care of the plants, lawn, and flowerbeds, then you’re off to a great start. A few refinements here and there can make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

You don’t need to make expensive changes to the landscaping. You just need to make sure everything looks clean and presentable. Spend a day or so mowing the lawn and trimming any shrubs and bushes. If the flowerbeds look a bit bare, you can cover bald spots with mulch.

2. Clean your home

One of the easiest things you can do to make your home more presentable is to clean your house. When potential buyers tour your home, they want to imagine how they’re going to utilize the space. That means you need to clear the clutter to make your home feel more spacious.

Clutter makes a space feel a lot more cramped than it actually is. Today, buyers prefer open plans and free movement, and a clutter-free space helps them visualize their future home better.

3. Repaint interior walls

Repainting interior walls can breathe new life into an old space. If your primary rooms are painted with a dark color, it can put off potential buyers. By changing the wall colors, you can maximize your home’s profit potential. Your personal tastes need to take a backseat to make your home palatable to a bigger audience.

Start by replacing old wall paint or wallpaper with something clean and neutral. Stick to white and white-adjacent colors like cream and eggshell to make a space feel bigger.

4. Take great photos and videos

Beautiful modern house with garden and solar panels on the gable roo

Open houses help seal the deal, but for most potential buyers, the first time they’re going to see your home is through photos and videos. If the photos look great and highlight the property’s strengths, they’re more likely to take an interest in your offer.

You might have to hire a professional photographer to take photos of your home. You want to make sure you present your home in the best possible light, and the best way to do that is to work with professionals.

These pointers will help you realize the full potential of your home. If you have a little cash to burn, do so on popular improvements to increase your home’s value. The right upgrades and renovations pay for themselves many times over.

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