Dental check up

Are braces right for me?

Individuals who may be considering braces may be suffering from crooked, misaligned, front protruding, (commonly referred to as an ‘overbite’ within the field of dentistry) or irregularly spaced teeth. Despite braces improving the physical appearance of a patient’s smile and consequently their self-esteem too, they can also help improve a patient’s oral health, which many individuals may not be aware of.

A straighter and healthier smile

Many individuals may receive orthodontic work simply to straighten and therefore alter the aesthetic appearance of their smile, however straighter teeth can make it easier to brush and floss correctly, which therefore leads to cleaner teeth! For patients who are suffering from crooked teeth they may find it difficult to clean those hard to reach areas, which can unfortunately lead to an accumulation of oral bacteria, and therefore plaque.

How do braces work?

Traditional metal braces (also referred to as conventional braces) work by using a combination of metal brackets and wires to apply pressure on the surface of the teeth. Traditional metal braces have been proven as an effective form of orthodontics within the field of dentistry for many years, however there is now an ever growing demand for subtle dental work.

A more discreet alternative

Despite traditional metal braces producing long term effective results for individuals suffering from the most severe underbites and overbites, as well as overcrowding, there are now many modern subtle alternatives, such as fixed clear braces to name just one example.

What are fixed clear braces?

Fixed clear braces are just as effective as traditional metal braces, however they are transparent which leads to a far more aesthetically pleasing physical appearance! Both conventional braces and clear fixed braces use a combination of fixed wires and brackets to apply pressure on the misaligned teeth, therefore producing effective results, however their appearance differs greatly.

Why choose fixed clear braces?

Fixed clear braces allow patients who are suffering from dental imperfections to receive the dental results they desire without the hindrance of obvious dental work. Aside from producing long term orthodontic results, that can last a lifetime when patients maintain their results correctly though the use of orthodontic retainers, fixed clear braces can produce straighter smiles in just six months!

What are Six Month Smiles?


Six Month Smiles is a dental treatment that uses fixed clear braces, which strives to create a patient’s coveted smile within just six months! In addition to the use of subtle orthodontic options, such as clear aligners, Six Month Smiles at many modern dental clinics also now includes cosmetic tooth whitening.

Is Six Month Smiles right for me?

If you are suffering from misaligned or generally imperfectly positioned teeth within the mouth then Six Month Smiles could be a perfect option for you. Many patients may wish to visit their local clinic for an initial consultation, however located on the Six Month Smiles website is an online quiz which can give patients an idea of whether or not they are an eligible candidate.

Feeling nervous about receiving braces?

Dental anxiety or a ‘dental phobia’ is extremely common within the field of dentistry and is unfortunately experienced by patients of all ages. If you are feeling nervous it may be a good idea to speak to your chosen clinic prior to your appointment, in order to voice any queries or concerns you may have.

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