consulting dentist

Focusing on the day-to-day life whilst receiving treatment

When looking for a treatment to straighten the teeth and improve the smile, it is often an afterthought on how much time will be taken out of your day attending appointments. The impact of each appointment, each tweak to the treatment and the discomfort which may follow can all affect the day. This is where Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct London can be the solution.

What is it and how does it work?

invisible aligners in a desk

Invisalign is a tooth realignment treatment that pushes the teeth into a new aligned position without the fuss of endless appointments to tweak the treatment.

To begin with a consultation will take place to ensure that the individual case is best suited to the Invisalign aligner method. Once this has been confirmed by the dentist, a series of processes will begin including the creation of the custom-made aligners. These aligners, which are provided in multiple sets, are created from the digital scans taken during your consultation process. Usually, within 1 to 2 days of having the consultation the aligners will arrive and an appointment will be made to discuss the next steps. From then on, aside from check-up appointments which will guide you as to when to change over to the next set of aligners, the commitment to the teeth straightening process will be primarily over to you.

One price for all?

As with all treatments and procedures, there are different levels of treatment and therefore different levels of cost. Whilst this does not mean the level of care received differs, it does mean that depending on the severity of the tooth misalignment, there are different levels of treatment as the number of retainers needed will vary from 7 to 14 or for the more severe cases, over 14 aligners. For those, who are concerned about the cost or do not want to pay a large amount upfront, there are finance options available which help spread the cost and ease the potential financial burden.

Discussions about the finance options can be discussed before, after or during your consultation.

Investing in your oral health

Whilst it is understood that time and money are of extreme importance, it is vital that your oral health does not suffer as a result. Whilst visits to the dental practice are not as frequent during the Invisalign process, this does not mean that the support is not there. Should you need extra support or feel as though your commitment to the treatment is wavering, contact the dentist to help assist you.

The journey taken by you to straighten your smile through the realignment of your teeth is one that you are never alone on. Support, guidance and a friendly team are with you, 100 percent of the way.

Suitability dependant on age

Whilst the Invisalign process has become one of extreme popularity. For those who are still considered children, due to the growing nature or their body, the treatment is not yet suitable and is therefore focused on those who are fully developed with their teeth, mouth and gums.

This will all be discussed and assessed during the initial consultation process.

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