
Discreet-looking orthodontic devices changing patient perception of orthodontic treatments

As exciting as it is for patients to have the option of Invisible Braces in Luton in the list of available orthodontic treatments, focus should not waiver on the effectiveness of treatment in achieving desired outcomes. Fortunately, patients can derive the benefit of dental devices that are barely noticeable like Invisalign aligners while protecting their oral and general wellness. Whereas in the past, patients would have been hesitant to consider orthodontic treatments with conventional treatment options, professional dental practitioners are reporting that patient perception has dramatically changed.

A report released by the British Orthodontic Society (BOS) indicates that more patients are embracing orthodontic treatment – 75 percent of dental professionals claim an increase in enquiries from patients interested in addressing their teeth concerns from overcrowding problems to dental alignment. This turnaround in patient perception is the result of a few innovations that have been introduced in the dental industry as well as societal influences. Smart high-tech aligner trays featuring clear plastic material are hard to discern and saves the patient any embarrassment they may have with others knowing that they are on an orthodontic plan. Mass media also has to take some of the credit by making it socially acceptable to take a vested interest in one’s appearance.

In addition to the availability of clear orthodontics and enhancing smiles, there is a third reason that straightening teeth is of significant importance to the patient. Dental practitioners have long advocated that straighter teeth have a direct association to wellbeing. The BOS has published a patient guide – Better Teeth For Life – in which the dental authority lists the different ways straighter teeth play a central role in living a healthy and happy life.

Unexpected consequences of teeth-straightening treatments

  • Straighter teeth are more resistant to decay

Dental check up

This may not be at the top of the list of priorities when receiving orthodontic treatment, but it is nevertheless an important one to take note of. This unexpected benefit plays out in a number of ways. One of the most prominent is that properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and keep clean and the risk of bacteria buildup is reduced.

  • Lift the restrictions of a limited diet

Conventional braces presented the challenge of not being able to eat whatever one liked, as dentists advise against consuming foods that may potentially damage or break components of braces. Clear aligner trays that are not permanently attached to teeth, making them removable when the need arises. This eliminates this particular disadvantage. Patients can enjoy a more wholesome diet and get the full range of nutrients that they need.

    • Boosts potential for success

More often than not success comes on the back of confidence and positivity. People who are less shy of their smiles may be more able to exude self-confidence. A smile makeover at Vogue Dental Care under the supervision of experienced dental practitioners can have a multitude of benefits for the patient. Take the first step towards securing overall general health through quality dental care by arranging a dental check-up today.

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