Young woman applying moisturizer on her face

For That Bridal Glow: Beauty Mistakes to Avoid Before Your Big Day

Of course, it’s only natural that all brides want to look their best on their wedding day. After all, it’s the most photographed moment of your life, and those photos will last forever. Once you’ve completed your wedding gown shopping and everything has been finalized on the outfit department, the next thing you need to look into is your beauty routine.

Even if you haven’t settled on a specific routine, you might be making a number of beauty mistakes that will show up on your big day, and you don’t want that. Make sure you’ll have that coveted bridal glow when you say your “I do’s” by avoiding these beauty mistakes:

Testing new skincare products a week before your wedding

The week before your wedding isn’t the perfect time to be experimenting on new skincare products, no matter how high-end they may be. This is especially important if you’re someone with sensitive skin. Trying out new skincare products for the first time days prior to your wedding puts you at risk of reactions that won’t calm down in time.

If you want to change your skincare routine to look your absolute best on your wedding, discussing things with your dermatologist in Utah and formulate an entire routine at least six weeks prior.

Going overboard with your fake tan

You want that healthy glow on your pictures, but getting too dark a tan will actually look unnatural in your wedding shots. It will also put you at risk of skin damage when done beyond moderation. Who wants to be that orange lady in a white dress on your wedding day, right? Avoid those spray tans and tanning beds altogether and just focus on improving your skin’s natural luminosity.

Not getting waterproof products for your makeup look

Weddings are long and highly emotional occasions. Your best bet to make sure that your makeup look that you spent hours on in front of your vanity is waterproof beauty products. You’ll be crying, dancing, and having fun throughout the celebrations, so make sure everything stays put. Don’t forget your makeup spray as your final step to lock in all the products.

Following a fad diet

Before the wedding, many brides prefer to lose a few pounds to look great in photos and videos. Fad diets are highly known for achieving unsustainable weight loss results. If you truly want to look your best for the long term, make healthier lifestyle changes in terms of your diet and exercises months before your wedding. Doing so will also help you feel a lot better on your wedding day and even after.

Consuming way too much sodium the week of the wedding

woman laying on the couch while eatinf junk foods and drinking softdrinks

At least seven days before your wedding, give up on those salty snacks, deli meat, sauces and dressings and pack on those fresh fruits and veggies. Go for low- or no-sodium food items as much as you can, so you’ll feel a lot less bloated while walking down the aisle.

Be extra mindful of all your beauty routine and you’ll definitely look and feel amazing on your wedding day.

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