little girl holding a teddy bear with her parents and a lawyer at the back

What Happens If You Miss Your Child Support Payments

Divorce rates have gone up and down through the years, and similarly child support payments depend on a couple’s earned income; however, the law requires the non-custodial parent to provide more. The law requires child support payments to ensure that children receive the financial assistance they need from their parents even after a divorce. If the court requires you to pay child support, you need to pay on time so you will not violate the law. In Illinois, you may face any of these troubles if you become delinquent with your child support obligations.

How Child Support Delinquency Will Affect You 

Failure to settle child support may result in your driver’s license suspension. Illinois is one of the several states in the U.S. where you can have your license suspended if you fail to settle your child support obligations on time. It would be best to purchase an SR-22 in Chicago if there is a possibility you can’t pay your child support on time.  

Aside from the inconveniences of a suspended driver’s license, your ex-spouse could ask for help from the state’s Division of Child Support Service (DCSS) if you still don’t settle your obligations to your children.

The DCSS will take a portion of your monthly salary through wage garnishment until you settle entirely the amount that you failed to pay in the past. The agency could also trace and legally seize your other source of income if they fail to garnish your monthly paychecks. 

Failing to pay on time could put you in deep trouble if the state court finds out that you owe more than $5,000 worth of child support. Furthermore, you could be given jail time and a hefty fine if you have been delinquent with your child support payments in years.

Child Support Payments Could Last for Several Years

Little Girl resting on her father's shoulder

Child support often lasts until your children reach the age of 18 after finishing high school. The monthly payment you’ll provide will cover your children’s clothing, food, housing, school and medical expenses, and transportation expenses until they reach the age of maturity.

In some cases, people ask the court to modify their child support payments at a lower rate. You should ask your lawyer to help process your request for child support modification if your ex-spouse and children relocate to another state. If the custodial parent starts a new job and receives a higher salary then you, you could request for a modification. This also applies if they find a new partner and remarry. Your ex-spouse should not receive any alimony from you.

You may get yourself in trouble with the law if you fail to settle your child support obligations. Aside from frustrating inconveniences, you may face hefty fines and jail time if the court proves that you are missing your obligation to your children. If you think there is a possibility you could miss your child payments, it would be best to get an SR-22 insurance if you live in a state like Illinois, so you will have some degree of personal protection.


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