Car Energy-Efficient

Keep Your Car Energy-Efficient Amid Increase in Fees

In 2018, lawmakers in Arizona proposed a bill that increases fees on energy-efficient vehicles by hundreds of dollars in 2020. According to supporters of the fees, energy-efficient cars prevent taxes at the gas pumps used in maintaining the roads.

Users of hybrid cars, however, argue they use these types of cars to help the environment and save money. The new fees could, later on, cost them big time.

Reducing Carbon Emissions

Excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is the main contributor to global warming. These emissions warm up the earth’s atmosphere higher than the normal level, greatly affecting the environment.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says the transportation sector produces the largest portion of greenhouse gas emissions with 28.9 percent in 2017. CO2 takes up the majority of greenhouse gas emissions of the sector. It comes from burning petroleum-based products like gasoline.

Using hybrid or electric cars reduces these emissions, which is beneficial to the environment. EnergySage explains these cars don’t emit CO2 into the atmosphere. They use their battery to improve the distance you can travel.

You can use electricity from renewable sources, including wind, solar, and hydropower, to fuel your hybrid car. The battery of electric cars is also recyclable, which helps reduce waste.

Electric cars, however, cost more than traditional vehicles. Fortunately, you can still reduce your environmental impact even if you drive conventional cars.

Car Energy-Efficient

Making Automobiles Energy-Efficient

You don’t need to buy an electric car to help the environment. Use your creativity to reduce the CO2 your car produces as much as possible, from window tinting your auto to reducing the weight of your car.

Here are three things to help you make your conventional car energy efficient:

  • Keep your tires fully inflated – under-inflated tires make your engine work harder to get moving, so your vehicle burns more fuel. Boost your fuel economy by maintaining proper tire pressure, which varies between tires and cars. Check the sticker inside the driver’s door or in the owner’s manual for the ideal tire pressure for your car.
  • Have your car tinted – window tint provides several benefits for your car and your health. It helps block UV rays, especially when you’re driving during sunny weather. UV rays also increase your risk of skin cancer. A study shows 53 percent of skin cancers in the country affect the left side of the body, which links to the driver’s side of a car. It also maintains the optimal interior temperature, keeping you from overworking your AC
  • Minimize the use of air conditioning – turning on the AC makes the engine works harder because it strains your vehicle’s electrical system. Avoiding the use of AC is difficult, however, especially if you’re driving during the hot season. The right grade of window film helps block 35 to 65 percent of solar, helping you keep your car cool and fuel-efficient.

Despite the proposal of adding new fees for hybrid cars, you can still get incentives when you buy an energy-efficient vehicle. Arizona allows you to apply for various incentives, including high occupancy vehicle (HOV) privileges and emission testing exemptions.

No matter the type of car you use, find ways to reduce your CO2 emissions the benefits the environment. Global warming affects many people worldwide, so little efforts to fight it are essential for the future of the planet.

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